Costa d'Amalfi Airport: EUR million for burned and now an uncertain future Costa d'Amalfi Airport: EUR million for burned and now an uncertain future
Airport flights without
Pontecagnano The local airport, the Amalfi Coast, is a point dead, crushed by bad management policy, after it has arrived with the epilogue
Orion who stopped all flights for nonpayment. And after you have burned in less than four months one million two hundred thousand euro only in the operation.
You are now looking for another carrier, but is still sailing in the dark, although there are 49 million of European funds that will serve to extend and improve the runway; 1 million and € 250 000 to complete the start-up company that has been proposed for the first scheduled. It adds insult of three thousand people who had bought tickets to get and start from Salerno, from here until the New Year. Can they recover the money? And this disaster who will compensate image?
Add to this, then the problems of immediate employment to be addressed.
fact at least ten employees Gan (Global Aviation Network) who are engaged at the airport, plus other employees of the consortium involved in fire control and other ground services. For the airport is open consortium . Then there are the four flight attendants that can not fly for days now, two assigned to the catering, four employees of the local Gan employed in assisting the passengers to remain standing and are now rightly asking to be reimbursed.
All without pay. The consortium has
credits consisting by its own members (among others also the town of Salerno) and find private investors at this stage it becomes much more difficult.
Now the public part will immediately get rid of a majority of local authorities and chambers of commerce and find a partnership with powers management in which to sell the airport.
Twenty thousand tickets sold before the stop and € 2.5 million received for Mimmo Volpe, vice president of the Consortium, are a good basis for reasoning, beyond the polemics of blocks and difficulties.
so after that will be necessary to reconstruct, first, an image and confidence lost?
Costa d'Amalfi Airport: stop flights. Global Aviation: blame policy